我一直很想公開頌揚這一件由已故義大利國寶級設計師Achille Castiglioni操刀,名牌家具生產商FLOS於1962年上市的ARCO。
這款設計不僅是垂吊燈具的代表作,更師法文學以甲代乙的借喻 ,讓使用者不用在天花板開洞,就能享有到中央照明的光源。而且實用之外,還為方正的空間投下一道美麗的弧線。簡潔大方的設計,在48年後的今天看來仍然清新脫俗、賞心悅目,而簡單的鋁製燈罩、金屬鉻彎管搭配大理石底座的材質運用,以環保的角度來看,正是方便拆解回收的優良示範。然而這些都不是讓我想給它舉十分的原因。真正讓我佩服地五體投地的大師風采,展現在底座的那個小小的洞。
本來以為其功能只是減輕重量,了不起可以從造型學的角度理解為圓洞有平衡底座過於方正的效果。直至偶然間在一個設計展看到它的產品說明,才恍然原來小洞的設計是為送貨員圓個方便: 讓二個人可以將一根棍子穿過小洞,便於將這座重達75公斤的燈具如咱們古代抬花轎般荷肩扛起!
ARCO, the classical floor lamp, designed by the Italian design Achille Castiglioni and produced by FLOS in 1962, is one of my favorite design pieces.
Compliments are mostly attributet to its utilitarian geometry- the chrome arc connects the marble base and the 200-centimeter-away polished aluminum shade- which allows the floor lamp to function as a ceiling lamp. It could bring conveniences to households who want to have a central light source without digging up a big hole in the ceiling. The lively, even poetic, curve in the air created by the arc is also stunning. From an environmental point of view, ARCO scores at least 8 out of 10 as the whole piece could be easily broken down to a few parts and thrown to the recycle bin. I mean, it's just amazing to see a design work of 48 years ago still looking cool and elegant!
However, what surprises most is the tiny round opening at the marble base. Not offending. But seriously, I wouldn't call it "design." I would rather call it "a detail of common sense." Instead of giving the thoughtful idea for the users as other features are, Castiglioni left it to the shippers- two shippers can insert a stick/tube through the round opening and lift the 75-kilogram lamp. Designing with common sense is a merit, but designing with a looooooooooot of common sense is a talent and what experience accounts for. I think in the past 48 years since the product was launched, there must be crowds of residents who marveled at the elegant design and crowds of workers who appreciated the designer for saving their precious time and labor.
image source: http://3rings.designerpages.com/2009/02/12/a-love-letter-in-light/